DUDL Student Congress
Student Congress permits students to participate in a mock legislative session using parliamentary procedure. Legislation is prepared by the students in advance of the tournament and students debate the merits of the legislation presented. Legislation may be written on any topic. All schools with students entered in student congress must submit a minimum of one bill or resolution for inclusion in the docket.
The deadline for all legislation will be 5pm on Thursday a week before any given tournament. This will allow for Congress Dockets to be released the Friday before the upcoming tournament.
The deadline for all legislation will be 5pm on Thursday a week before any given tournament. This will allow for Congress Dockets to be released the Friday before the upcoming tournament.
When the session begins, the judge will take nominations for Presiding Officer (PO).S/he can take up to
3 nominees. The nominees may make a brief statement to the chamber as to why s/he should be elected.
The nominees are sent into the hall while remaining students vote for the P.O. Students should fill out
their placards. The PO completes the seating chart.
The speech order:
3 nominees. The nominees may make a brief statement to the chamber as to why s/he should be elected.
The nominees are sent into the hall while remaining students vote for the P.O. Students should fill out
their placards. The PO completes the seating chart.
The speech order:
Introductory proponent (authorship) (3 mins), followed by 2-minute mandatory questioning period. |
Introductory opponent (3 mins), followed by a 2-minute mandatory questioning period. |
Proponent (3 mins), followed by 2-minute mandatory questioning period. |
Opponent (3 mins).followed by 2-minute mandatory questioning period |
● Authorship speeches are scored.
● There are many different ways to “score” congress. For our purposes, we will be awarding the top
three students based on the calculation of total points given to each student. The Presiding officer will
not be included in the top three.
● Scoring speeches are based on: Content, Organization, Evidence, Language, Argument and
Refutation/ Delivery.
● Judges will write comments and feedback on ballots.
● If there are more than 30 students entered, and judging capacity permits, two chambers are used.
● Each chamber is assigned one judge.
● In the event there is not enough legislation submitted, DUDL provides legislation to fill the Docket.
● There are many different ways to “score” congress. For our purposes, we will be awarding the top
three students based on the calculation of total points given to each student. The Presiding officer will
not be included in the top three.
● Scoring speeches are based on: Content, Organization, Evidence, Language, Argument and
Refutation/ Delivery.
● Judges will write comments and feedback on ballots.
● If there are more than 30 students entered, and judging capacity permits, two chambers are used.
● Each chamber is assigned one judge.
● In the event there is not enough legislation submitted, DUDL provides legislation to fill the Docket.